Student Services
Michelle Wenglikowski
Director of Student Services
Violet Tracey
Student Services
Directs all Student Service Activities
Enrollment Procedures
Student Transfers
Alternative Education Placements
Due Process
Attendance support, including SOCAP and Check & Connect Program
Support for school guidance counselors and registrars
Point of contact for Department of Child Services and Allen County Probation
Assists the director with all Student Services activities
School choice transfers
Tuition transfers
Monitors the student enrollment process
Monitor legal settlement and guardianship
Student transcripts
Maintain the district’s student discipline procedure system and policies
Assist with state reports
Doug Goeglein
District Safety Specialist
Mike DePew
Homeless Liaison
Coordinates District Level Safety programming and communication
Consults with building level personnel on safety issues
Coordinates School Resource Officer Program
Represents EACS at the Allen County School Safety Commission
Conducts building safety audits; Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)
Liaison to Law Enforcement and Fire Department personnel , Allen Superior Court Office of Family and Children and Mental Health agencies, etc.
Coordinates Suicide Prevention efforts
Provides staff development using Crisis Prevention Institute curriculum
Assists with EACS Choice Alternative High School
Assists Director of Transportation with professional development concerning safety
Provides Restorative Practices services and professional development
Coordinates educational services for eligible students
Acts as a liaison between schools, shelters and community
Coordinates transportation for eligible students
Monitors academic progress for students eligible under McKinney-Vento Act
Abby Koroncevicius, RN
Health Services Coordinator
Coordinate health services operations
Assist school nurses
Respond to medical emergencies
Monitor health standard compliance
Training for health service staff
Coordinate staff development for health related matters
Collaborates with medical and dental agencies
Leads the district Wellness Committee
Assist with interviews and selection of nurses
Training for First Aid, CPR and AED
Coordinates screenings for vision and hearing